Hello! My name is Celine. I’m a working hockey-mom of 2, crochet and yarn-aholic, and lover of all things chocolate. This blog is my creative outlet in an otherwise ordinary scheduled chaos day-to-day life.

This is us.


Engineer by day, crazy crochet lady by night

Like many of you my day passes in a haze: wake up, feed the children, go to work, feed the children again, clean the children, do more laundry, sleep and repeat. Where’s the fun?

When my oldest was 6 months old, my husband started working out of town. I’m not going to lie … it was rough. Once the baby was asleep (after 3 months of sleep training), I felt like a prisoner in my own home. All alone, I started to go crazy with nothing to do. So I decided to start crochetting again after a 30 year hiatus. Back when I was a kid in brownies, I learnt to crochet. Now with the help of YouTube, I decided it was time to pick it up again.

Skip ahead 7 years and now I have a crochet-blog to further my addiction in all things yarn and crochet.

Funny where life will take you if you let it. :)