Blog no. 1 : To blog or not to blog

I believe Shakespeare said it best;

“To blog or not to blog, that is the question. Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to crochet. The hooks and yarns of outrageous pleasure, Or to take blog against a sea of creativity. And by blogging share them.”

Or something like that. At least … that’s all I can remember from grade 10 english class.

A little something you will soon learn about me is that I’m not strong in the field of writing. So why a blog? Well, something else you will soon learn about me is that I am strong in the field of math and science. Which is why I became an engineer. But like 2 sides to coin, I also have a creative side.

For the last 7 years I’ve been learning how to crochet. I’ve been learning everything I can about crochet. Some may say I have been building a slight addiction.

I’ve recently started creating my own work, even writing my own patterns. I enjoy the crochet life and felt it would be a great outlet to start a blog and share my crochet joys with the inter-webs world.

I hope you enjoy this little blog of mine. Wish me luck!

Lego Emmet C2C birthday present

Lego Emmet C2C birthday present

C2C Graphghan tutorial : how to keep yarn organized and untangled.

C2C Graphghan tutorial : how to keep yarn organized and untangled.